K Kafle Apps

BS Patro - Nepali BsCalendar
K Kafle
BS Patro (BsCalendar) is an Android app to display Nepali Calendar
Land Calculator - नापी (Naapi) 1.6.2
K Kafle
LandCalculater (Land Calculator) is an Android app to calculatearea of land.
मातृ वियोग (Matri Biyog) कविता 1.0.7
K Kafle
This is an android app containing Poem 'मातृ वियोग (Matri Biyog)'in Nepali language 'written by Pandit Devidatta Kafle in the Memoryof his late mother.
LandCalculatorLite - नापी/Napi
K Kafle
LandCalcLite (Land Calculator Lite) is an Android app to calculatearea of land.
भगवद गीता(Gita)+विष्णुसहस्रनाम 1.3.0
K Kafle
This app is for reading the book Shrimad Bhagavad Gita(श्रीमद्भगवदगीता).